The winds of change are coming…

I awoke early this morning and as I have a lot of animals to care for, I went outside to start the breakfast routine.  I was acutely aware of a change in the air, a coolness and dampness, a sense of the change that is slowly appearing to signify the transition from late summer to autumn.  There is only a flicker of this at the moment and certainly in the middle of the day there can be some real heat at times.

Be gentle with yourself during this transition.  Become aware of what you need.  Give yourself quiet time if you want that, or meet up or chat with friends if you need to connect with others.  Summer is the time of expending lots of energy, socialising and being seen in the world.  Winter is a quieter time of self-care and allowing ourselves to rest.  Following what you observe in nature is always a fool-proof way of knowing what your energy is likely to want and need.

I love the sense of new beginnings that come with autumn and always feel drawn to signing up for new courses, workshops and activities that I want to revisit and recommit to, or try something totally new.   What do you need this autumn?

I am delighted to be offering some workshops this autumn so do check them out and get in touch if you would like to find out more, or book on.