New beginnings

Well Spring is definitely the time of new beginnings. I have been taking some time this winter to become quiet and refocus my direction. I have a few ideas in the pipeline that I wish to share with you over the next few weeks and months.
Firstly, I am in the process of writing a new book “Mindful Reflections on Life” and I would love your feedback and input along the way. This book is a collection of my musings and ponderings on life and how to live it mindfully, peacefully and contentedly. Please do share any feedback and comments below.
One of my first reflections is:
Start anew each morning
Every morning we have the opportunity to start afresh. What we choose to focus our energy on and think about, is what we are creating in our future. What you focus on expands.
With the energy of the law of attraction, what you spend your time thinking about, attracts more of the same. So if you use each new morning to focus on the good things in your life, on what you wish to see more of, and what you wish for the world, you have a daily opportunity to improve your life from now on.
If you are concerned about the state of the world, don’t create more of the same by complaining or fixating on the negative. Change this by talking about what you wish to see, the good things you do see, and the things you are currently grateful for. Ask yourself how you can help others today.
Can you shop locally, ethically, and more consciously, avoiding any harm to other humans or animals, as much as you are able?
Encourage and support others everywhere you go. Helping others is one of the best ways of boosting your endorphins, your feel-good hormones. So if you’re not feeling great emotionally at the moment, see if there is some way you can help someone else feel better, and you will get a “helper’s high” too.
If you get the opportunity to have a few quiet minutes to yourself each day, you may find these words helpful:
“May I be safe and well. May I be happy and secure. May I live in peace.
May all beings be safe and well. May all beings be happy and secure. May all beings live in peace.”
Do sign up to my weekly newsletter here if you would like more mindful reflections on life:
I welcome any feedback and comments.