
Apr 2024

Vision Board Workshop

On 20/04/2024 starting at 10:00 AM in Albourne

Spring is the perfect time to create a Vision Board to activate you year ahead with intention, focus and clarity! Spring marks the bursting forth of energy and is a powerful time of year to plant the seeds of what you wish to create this year and in the years... Find out more and book

May 2024

Mindfulness Morning with Horses

On 11/05/2024 starting at 10:00 AM in albourne, hassocks

Mindfulness and Horses - a combination that can greatly assist relaxation and a sense of groundedness. I am delighted to be facilitating an equine-assisted morning of relaxing and gentle, guided mindfulness and meditation practises (no experience necessary). This will be held in a beautiful wooden cabin within a field of... Find out more and book

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